Short Break for TrueGotham

I’m heading out of town shortly (destination top secret) with my wife for her job at Food and Wine magazine.  I won’t be back until late Friday so no posts for the next few days.  In my absence, I leave you with a quick snapshot of my business:

  • 9 contracts out (6 in last 3 weeks)
  • 7 currently active exclusive properties (expecting offers on 3 or 4 of them within days or maybe a week)
  • buyers taking their time signing contracts but they are signing.
  • open house traffic has increased exponentially from 4 to 5 people to as many as 30.
  • just lost opportunity to market a property because seller thinks I priced too low (time will tell)

In short, deals exist and properly priced property is moving.  That’s what I have for now.  Be back Monday.  BTW…The Pittsburgh Steelers are the greatest sports franchise of all time!

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