Exciting Times Ahead for True Gotham

In the coming weeks, True Gotham is going to be adding some new features.  We are currently in pre-production of TGTV (TrueGotham Television) which will be comprised of 3-7 minute streaming video programs on a weekly basis that will provide useful real estate relevant information in the format of interviews, investigative reports, round table discussions, and various forms of commentary that you the True Gotham reader can request.  We hope that over time, this format will become interactive, with TG readers suggesting content that they may like to see.  Until then, the topics will be chosen by yours truly.  Stay tuned as we hope to have our first segment up very soon.

In addition to TGTV, we will be unveiling a number of articles and interviews from guest bloggers from various industries, from a divorce attorney speaking on real estate in a matrimonial dispute to a principal of a moving company with advice on what to look out for when hiring a mover. 

All of this new content will be provided in an effort to provide additional information and further transparency in the real estate industry and those industries closely (and even some not so closely )related.

It’s gonna be fun!

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