OpenHouse NYC Clears the Clutter

A topic near and dear to my heart as I and most of my colleagues will recommend decluttering an apartment more than any other form of preparation before bringing a property to market.  In my opinion, it is the easiest, least expensive and singular most important thing that a seller can do to directly impact the sales price of their property.  So check out these excellent tips from OpenHouseNYC this week on Clearing the Clutter:

In this edition of Floorplan George Oliphant confronts the perpetual problem for residents in this part of country: making the most of the limited space in your home! George visits homeowner Dana Hiltzik whose storage closet and bathroom has been overrun by the clutter and collections every home owner accrues over time. To combat her space shortage, Debbie Harwin of I Need My Space comes to the rescue. With items that can be purchased from the Container Store for no more than $200, Debbie adds wall hooks, supply caddies, mini-drawers and a variety of other space saving techniques.

Does it work? You’ll have to watch the video to find out, but let’s just say that Dana is thinking of calling her walk-in closet a “run-in” closet after Debbie is done…

I love what Debbi Harwin of I Need My Space has done here.  I especially like the slide out containers under the sinks…nice idea!  My wife and I tried to do things like this to little or no avail.  Maybe I should call Debbi.

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